🧐 How do Oyster makes colored pearls?

How do Oyster makes Colored Pearls?
This is a question that arises to many when they begin to discover the world of pearls, since traditionally it has been thought that the natural color of pearls is white.
For many years it has been like that, with Akoya pearls from Japan, fresh water pearls in China and the coveted Australian pearls.
But there are other pearl colors, like the golden of South Sea pearls in Philippines or Indonesia, or the black pearls of French Polynesia, whose natural color is not white.
Why do pearls take this color?
There is a type of oyster called Pinctada Maxima, which in some regions of the world such as the Philippines or Indonesia has golden lips. The pearl, when formed, absorbs the golden nacre and adopts that color.
The same process occurs with the black pearls of Tahiti, but in this case with the Pinctada Margaritifera oyster, in French Polynesia.
Another factor that can influence the color of pearls, although to a lesser extent, is the temperature of the water and how clean it is. For pearls to adopt a beautiful color the water must be extremely clean.
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